Sunday, June 30, 2013


  It has been a looooong two weeks my friends. I'm not entirely sure how I got by. Well, actually, I know exactly how. Jesus Christ and the strength he gives me. This past week we took our senior high group to camp. The trip started out a little crazy because we had a nail in one of the tires and had to get it fixed. That caused us to be pretty late arriving to camp. But we stayed optimistic and enjoyed the long car ride. So, we arrive at camp and get our stuff put away. Everybody is in a pretty okay mood. BUT THEN we met some of the activities directors for the week and everything changed. I think we all wanted to turn around and go home an hour after arriving. It took about a day and a half for that crappy situation to be taken care of and once dealt with we all started to have a great time. Our youth bonded and some of them made new commitments to the Lord. It was a pretty amazing week. I am completely exhausted but it was totally worth it. I'm glad we went. I will be taking a small group of Jr high kids in about 3 weeks. I hope that goes as well as the high school week did.
 I have to say that I am SO thankful to work with high schoolers. They are pretty incredible! I love them all. I am especially thankful for the bond that was kindled between me and one of my high school girls. She is a pretty amazing person. I'm so thankful the Lord got ahold of her and convicted and broke her. Its pretty amazing to watch the Holy Spirit work in someone you love so much. I'm praising Jesus for the relationship I now have with her and for the relationship she now has with him. I also met some awesome and somewhat ratchet people this week. I'm thankful for friendships and for people that love me and that I can love back. I'm so glad God created us to be relational.

I love that this week reminded me that I am still a work in progress but that God can still use me right where I am at. He still works through me for his glory. I don't always understand the way he works but my hope remains strong in him. My favorite memory verse from this week was Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make straight your paths." What an awesome God we serve.

This week I was also reminded of how white I am. I had two girls in my cabin who were so good at reminding me. They are Hispanic and speak Spanish. They were always trying to get me to say Spanish words and no matter how hard I tried I still sounded SO white! It was a lot of fun though.

I think my favorite part of this week was hanging out with Martin, Natalie, and Lauren the last night of the week. Child, that's so ratchet!

Well I hope that you all have a superb week!

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