Tuesday, June 4, 2013


  Today I read a blog about encouraging others. I pretty much NEVER do this. Its not that I don't want to. I just don't think about it I guess. Starting right now I am going to make an effort to think about it and make a more conscious effort to say encouraging things to people I know and people I don't know. I think that its a way to shine Jesus to people. There are so many times I go through the grocery store line and the checker just seems to be having an off day. In those moments I could get annoyed and agitated (which is totally what I usually do). Or I can say something kind to them. Imagine the impact we as Christians could make on the world with encouraging words to strangers.
Random story I just remembered: This morning I was walking into Walmart at 7:30 AM and I walked by an older gentlemen and he said good morning to me. But it was so genuine and friendly. It made me smile and it helped me to be in a better mood. So I guess that's proof that being kind and speaking kindly to strangers can make a difference. I wasn't even having a bad day but that just made it even better.

Anyway. I think it honors God when we encourage each other and strangers. Its a witness to the outside world and I think it totally glorifies God. I don't know about you but I want to shine Jesus in the world today. :)

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. Prov. 12:25

Have a great day friends!!

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